Effect of Alcohol

The two figures below respectively give the effect of alcohol consumption on my deep sleep and REM sleep. The scale used is the following (and
#data on the top of the bars gives the number of nights that have been collected for each of these sets):
  • 0: 0 drink (within 6 hours before bedtime)
  • 1: 1-2 drinks
  • 2: 3-4 drinks
  • 3: 5+ drinks
The results tend to show that alcohol consumption does not impact on time spent in deep sleep. However, more than 2 drinks drunk within a couple of hours before bedtime seems to reduce quite significantly time spent in REM sleep.

Fig. 1: Effect of alcohol consumption on deep sleep.

Fig. 2: Effect of alcohol consumption on REM sleep.

Time Frame of the experiment
30 Sept. 2012 - 6 Apr. 2013